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My 12-Month Book Challenge

I am so excited to share this idea with you! 
As I was writing this post about making promises to myself, I knew I had to organize my thoughts and plans NOW in order to keep those promises and that's where this book challenge idea came from! 

Here's the deal- this is in no way a gotta-do-it-all challenge. There's no commitment required. I only ask that if you DO read anything inspired by one of the prompts, you hightail your beautiful butt back here to tell me all about it! 

I wrote this with the idea that each month, you can pick one of the topics to help you choose a book to read that month. I will be reading way more than 1 book a month (that's the plan anyway) but this will ensure that I won't have to think too hard about which to pick for at least one of them. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. 

For January, I picked No.1 -An Audiobook- because I always listen to them anyway on my drive to work I'm listening to The Smart One by Jennifer Close. My library doesn't have a huge selection so I take what I can get. I am actually enjoying this one. It's a great family drama about a mother and her 3 children who are grown but have all made mistakes and are now coming back home and she looks up one day to find them all at the breakfast table as if the last 15 years never happened. It's very easy to relate to and I love reading about mother/sister relationships. 

Another way to stay on top of the books you read this year is to take the Goodreads Challenge. 

I've pledged 40 books this year. That's a lot. Maybe I've been too ambitious but maybe not. I originally said 50 and then I realized I have two kids, a full time job, a husband, 2 cats and a very unorganized way of doing things so I got real. Forty it is. 

Which of the 12 book ideas are you going to go with first? 


  1. This is a fun challenge. I'll probably find myself in some of these categories with my own reading challenge. Happy reading!

  2. This is a great idea! I'm trying to read 15 books I've never read before a part of a 30 Things Before I'm 30 thing so this would fit in perfectly with that. Looking forward to choosing my books and seeing what you pick!

  3. Ah this is such a cool idea - I've promised myself I'm going to read more this year too, I have such a huge collection but never get round to reading them! Good luck with the challenge. xx


  4. This is so awesome! I plan to try it all. I have a hard time with audiobooks though. I'm a fast reader and the narrators are too slow for me! I'm also almost never without a kid in tow so I don't have much alone time to listen. Maybe while on the elliptical.

  5. This is a great idea! I hope I can do some of them! I've been listening to Uncle Tom's Cabin on audio the last few weeks while I walk my dog, so I'm already into Chapter 9 of the first prompt. I also just finished a book I bought in Argentina (in Spanish) and am going to start another today (or tomorrow).

  6. That is a great challenge! I hope you can achieve it, and of course, enjoy all the books you read a long the way. have a wonderful year! With love,

  7. This is an awesome challenge! I hope to be able to participate (I mean with all the different stuff I'll be reading I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find a book for quite a few of those categories). Best of luck and Happy Reading!

  8. Such a fun challenge! And relatively easy to complete. Does it make me a nerd if I say I never pretended to read a book in high school because I loved reading them and would sometimes even reread them? Eep! I think I may tackle the "read a book written by a male author" one because I'm about to begin "On Writing" by Stephen King.
    Also, I'm aiming for 50 books this year. Double eep!

  9. I set my goal to be 60 books this year but I remembered that I am a high school student and I am going to be taking a course this summer also so I set it back to 40

  10. I'm doing 60 on the goodreads challenge this year. I'm not sure if I'll get to it. Fingers crossed!

  11. I LOVE this!! I can't wait to plan out my books! I've pledged to read 30 this year, but now that seems too low.. Regardless, I'm excited for your challenge because it'll force me out of my comfort book zone, quite a bit actually!!

  12. This is a good idea, I constantly try to challenge myself and my reading habits, but usually end up failing! I was never any good at planning, I will just continue to follow my bookish whim's where they take me.

  13. I love to read and usually "read" more then one book at a time I say "read" as I listen to audio books in the car a lot and I have a book in the bathroom to read while on the loo or waiting for the bath to run for Leo when he is here, I also have a book next to my bed I like to read before going to sleep at night, do you think I like to read

  14. You did a great job mixing it up for this challenge and making it interesting! I guess I'm already doing #1 because I'm listening to The Neverending Story on CD in the car with my kid as I drive him to school.

  15. I love challenges and this is a great one! Thanks for the inspiration. #blogher

  16. "A Book You Pretended to Read in High School" -- woops, guilty! I love this list! I definitely do NOT read enough!

  17. What a fun idea! So sharing this with my friends.

  18. This looks like a lot of fun! I promised myself I'd read more books this year! This looks like a great start!

  19. fun idea, thanks for the inspiration!

  20. This is a great idea I will definitely join in - I have such a penchant for fantasy fiction at the moment it will be good for me to branch out a little!

  21. This was so fun! Hope you do a post about what you read and have another challenge for 2016!


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